
No Matter How You Slice It, Uniqueness is Important

When it comes to judging American gridiron football teams, the suitableness of a particular politician's policies for the success of a nation, the potential correctness of religious views, which laptop computer is the "best," or which foreign cuisines are the tastiest, everybody has their ...

New Fancy Animated Check List / To Do List

A recent online tool has been growing in popularity. An animated to-do list cool 'strike-off' features was created by Gal Shir, the developer who brought us Color Hunt, among other design tools. Shir wanted to help people get better control of their lives by having a ...

How Using ALT Tags on Your Site Improves Your SEO

Most computer literate individuals already know that CSS is an abbreviation for cascading style sheets or a term used to described how Hypertext Markup Elements - almost always abbreviated to the initialism HTML - are displayed on computer, tablet, mobile devices, and virtually all other contemporary ...

The Apple iPhone X: What's New, What Remains The Same

Apple's iPhone X was recently released to much fanfare. Among its many changes, the device now has a Sensor Housing - a notch on the top of the screen that is used for Face ID. This caused panic among some web designers, as the notch creates ...