
How to Easily Create Great CSS-Based Web Design Elements Online

While figuring out hypertext markup language (HTML) isn't terribly difficult, cascading style sheets (CSS) is often where people get lost. It's a deep hole to descend into, a complex and beautiful markup language of its own kind that makes you wonder who creates this stuff and ...

Avoid Customer-Crushing 404 Errors with These Often Overlooked Tips

A functional website needs to be property configured on a secure and reliable web server. Improper configuration can lead to malfunctions on the front end of a domain. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 404 error is one of the most common glitches on the World Wide ...

Totally Crush it this Holiday Season with the Perfect Digital Cards for Family and Friends

Winter time is one of the most popular seasons across the entirety of the United States. While some people in our great country like the cold weather - these persons are better known as "crazy people," at least the majority of United States citizens ...

How to Get a Job as a Front End Designer

You've landed an interview for that lucrative frontend developer job of your dreams, but how do you prepare for it? Now it's easy, with Jobeir's free interview preparation guide. The guide is focused on JavaScript, but also covers HTML and CSS, and other frontend technologies. It ...