
Learn more than ever before with this leading web page in your hands

Inspired by the reputable MIT and Stanford Universities, hundreds of schools around the globe have created free online programming and computer science courses for the public. As technologies continue to advance by leaps and bounds, the necessity for these courses becomes increasingly more apparent. Of the ...

Web apps are harder to make than just about anything

The holiday season introduces the need for so many different things each year. It can even open people up to brand new technology requirements, believe it or not. There are many people out there who want to learn how to construct the best web applications suitable ...

Kick Off Your Month Right with Codevember!

November is a lot of things. Movember, National Novel Writing Month, and now Codevember. All About Codevember Codevember is one of the lesser-known, but most important, causes in the spotlight this month. The challenge is to code for all 30 days. Every day has a distinct ...

Atom and Visual Studio Code Designers Get Unique Dark Theme

What City Lights Has To Offer: City Lights offers web designers a unique dark theme. This dark theme is available for Atom and Visual Studio Code. Designers like the look of this dark theme because it is easy on the eyes and it is also visually ...