Web Designer

A Web Designer Used React To Create A Fun User Experience Most People Liked

Sharing cool designs is a way for members of the worldwide design community to discuss new tips and techniques with each other. It is also an easy way for people to share what works and what does not work. New designers also appreciate the resources and ...

Designers vs. Programmers on Text Placement in Images

In a large online design community, a person shared an image of a graphic that was shown on the home page of the same community. The graphic contains two lines of text with information and a link to COVID-19 resources so that people can get accurate ...

Online Design Community Critiques A Community Member's Website

A website designer shared a link to their online design portfolio to a large online design community. They did this in order to get feedback about the site's layout, aesthetics and functionality. The site has a case studies section, personal projects area and an area with ...

When is a Circle a Square: Why You Might Care?

If you're a web designer, you may one day find yourself in need of a squircle. What is a squircle? It's the mathematical intermediate between a circle and a square. Squircles are not rectangles with rounded corners; there is a smoother transition in squircles between the ...