Designers vs. Programmers on Text Placement in Images

In a large online design community, a person shared an image of a graphic that was shown on the home page of the same community. The graphic contains two lines of text with information and a link to COVID-19 resources so that people can get accurate ...

The Impact Of COVID-19 On Immigration Policy

The United States is about six months away from a new government administration, and the hot-button issue of immigration reform will likely take the spotlight from now until well after the presidential elections. The need for comprehensive immigration reform is more pressing now that it has ...

An Recently Created App For COVID-19 Has A Lot Of Problems

A person created an app for COVID-19 and AMP for use in the mobile environment. They took a screen shot of it and shared it with a large online design community. The individual wanted to get some feedback about its layout and functionality. Several people took ...

Website Self-Destructs After 24 Hours If Nobody Leaves A Message

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, a web and designer and comics author who goes by FemmeAndroid on Twitter unveiled her latest creation: a website that is intended to self-destruct in a certain amount of time. The website itself does not have too much in ...