
A Web Designer Needed Help Regarding A Client's Strange Request

A website designer wanted to know if there are any WordPress themes that allow navigation that goes all the way around the landing page. They gave an example image of what they want to do. It involves having clickable items around all four sides of the ...

Web Design Clients You Must Fire

Some web design clients will literally drive you crazy; always leave yourself an out in your contract where you can fire the client. Having an out lets you deal with your client professionally. Never blow up at a client; stay calm and tell them you cannot ...

Understanding the Client's Influence in Web Designing

If you're a web designer, nothing is worse than building a client a fabulous website and putting it in your portfolio, only to see the client mess up the site. If you used a CMS to build the site and showed them how to update it ...

How UK Freelancers Are Managing Nonpaying Clients

In today's economy, many individuals are not directly employed by the companies they work for. Instead, they receive a contract to do a piece of work or a project that has a concrete finish. This is the case for workers in the USA, UK and many ...