Want to Learn About Color Gradients? Check Out This Website

A website located at learnui.design that offers a repository of online video courses to teach students about contemporary user interface design also features a gradient generator that lets any visitor customize a gradient and then copy the dynamically corresponding CSS syntax. Gradients are popularly used as background elements for web pages and the like because they offer very smooth transitions between colors without visually distinct pixels clashing against one another. Much like other gradient generators that can be found across the web, this website's generator allows the user to designate two colors as the "end points." Following this, the rest of the gradient's contents are filled out in accordance with an algorithm that also takes into account other adjustments like whether the gradient is linear or radial and how it is angled.

Unlike a lot of other online gradient generators, this version strives to address a common issue that web artists come across when attempting to create gradients based on certain color combinations. Within the infrastructure used by machines to categorize colors along a spectrum, a given color will always be "closer" to some colors than others. Depictions of color models used by computer software are often circular because of this, and a white or grayish spot will always be located in the center because a color made up entirely of hues with roughly equal values will inevitably be "colorless." As a result, gradients using two colors that would essentially occupy opposite-facing positions on the circle will end up with a grayish zone somewhere in the middle.

It is not possible for a gradient with, say, a bright-yellow starting point and a dark-blue endpoint to avoid a grayish region in the center if those are the only two colors defined in the syntax. The gradient generator, therefore, offers an option for "interpolation" that defines potentially many intermediary colors for the primary colors to transition between. On a circular color model, this would be equivalent to having the gradient's path bend around the mostly colorless center, thus making for a gradient that transitions between at least three colors in total. For more information click here https://learnui.design/tools/gradient-generator.html.