The Problems and Possibilities of MoodMap

Can your usage of mobile devices help in terms of understanding how your attention span relates to emotions? A project called MoodMap is trying to accomplish this through a progressive web app. The lead developers in this project have been inspired by the experience of dealing with conditions such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder; they would like to inject technology into the process of understanding how emotions can affect attention.

In terms of emotion comprehension and emotion perception, there are correlations between mobile device usage and emotion perception. People who are on the autism spectrum disorder, for example, are not usually aware of the impact that their state of mind has with regard to how they use their smartphones. Furthermore, ASD and ADHD patients following a treatment plan do not always get to see how their prescribed medication, exercise, and meditation therapies are changing them.

MoodMap aims to take advantage of mobile devices so that patients can gain greater therapeutic awareness. Using a Chrome extension, MoodMap builds a model that measures mood and attention levels for the purpose of gauging the efficacy of prescribed medications. Data collection and data set modeling are a significant aspect of the project because information is interpreted by machine learning algorithms.

The various models interpreted by MoodMap can provide an overview of the effects of medication during a prescribed period and presents the effect for each dose. By analyzing the effect of various dosage levels, the team is able to make inferences about the effectiveness of medications such as Ritalin and cannabis.

One of the data collection tools that the lead MoodMap developer has been working on consist of simple games coded with CSS and JavaScript. When seeking input about these games, the developer heard from web design professionals who think that false results may become problematic because of the memory puzzle aspect of the games. Working towards solving puzzles though practice is a very human trait, and it would be up to patients to avoid developing techniques that can make them better puzzle solvers; this could ultimately throw off the resulting data. For more information click here