
Leadership Change At Wordpress Is A Wakeup Call For Developers

A recent change of leadership at WordPress highlights the challenges that accessibility presents in relation to web design and development. Rian Rietveld used to lead the accessibility team at WordPress; this team was tasked with making the new Gutenberg and publishing platform accessible to users who ...

Title:An Overview of Programs To Build Your Website With

As of 2018, WordPress powers one third of the world's websites. Its templates and style sheets enable rich customization. Still, those elements require repeated maintenance, which can overwhelm users who want to publish a personal website. Let's consider some alternatives to WordPress. HTML If you possess ...

A Short Primer on WordPress: A Website Building System

WordPress - found at WordPress.com - is what is known as a content management system in the world of Internet jargon. Created with a combination of the scripting language - a scripting language is similar to a programming language except it is designed specifically for ...

Strange URLs appearing in the address bar? Don't be alarmed

A strange anomaly is happening in some web browsers when scrolling through Mental Floss. As one glides down the article, the URL in the address bar changes rapidly. When scrolling back up, it changes back to the previous URL. Such an occurrence will likely upset some ...