Check out Pigment by Shapefactory One of the most important and easily underrated aspects of a website--or any visual medium--is the use of color. For anyone that's attempted to read yellow text on a stark white background or dark brown text on a black background, the ...
In this recent piece, Chen Hui Jing takes readers on an entertaining romp through CSS Grid. Entertaining because the tone is friendly. Romping because CSS Grid is, as Jing says, "really special." He calls it a dynamic medium and he is enthused about designing ...
Modern web design is supposed to take into account a wide range of factors on the front and back end. Developers might sometimes struggle to come up with a solution that is fully compatible with all major browsers and other programs that run online. In recent ...
You've landed an interview for that lucrative frontend developer job of your dreams, but how do you prepare for it? Now it's easy, with Jobeir's free interview preparation guide. The guide is focused on JavaScript, but also covers HTML and CSS, and other frontend technologies. It ...