How You Can Plan Out Your Web Development Project Effectively

How You Can Plan Out Your Web Development Project Effectively

A website developer wanted to know if others in a large online forum would be willing to share what their projects look like in the planning phase. They noted that they had received a lot of good advice from the same forum. They are looking for good examples of what a project plan looks like. They have tried researching, but think they may be using poor keywords, because the results they get back are not in line with what they need.

This individual wants to know if other people could share examples of what they have used when planning a website. The person wants to know if others write it out on paper, or if they use an online planning tool. This individual is also curious about whether people make designs for the different devices that people would use to access the site, or just one plan for all possible points of access. The designer is hoping people could show them some examples with descriptions of what the plan means.

One person replied with a comment that a lot of designers are turning to Figma for this. This individual added that they tend to make a doodle when they are in the thinking and ideation phases of a project. Another person added a comment about fat marker sketches being their option of choice when it comes to planning a website, and they offered a link for the original poster.

A different person suggested making a site map. When they do this, they use an online tool called Dyno Mapper. For a frame, the same individual uses the Wire Frame website. Several people admitted that they use the old school method of paper and a pen or pencil. One of those individuals said that they make a mood board. Another person stated that their modus operandi is to do a typography design experiment with an online drawing board, just for the sake of being able to digitally save their ideas and go back to them at some later time. A person also suggested using Adobe XD for some simple wire frames. For more information click here

Web Development Project Effective Plan Web Developer