Developers Are Putting Smoother Transitions Into Their New Apps

Developers Are Putting Smoother Transitions Into Their New Apps

A common problem with apps is a lack of transitions. When a screen goes from one function to another, it can be difficult for the user to make the mental transition to the next part of what they are doing. The visual change can also be stunning, which can decrease the quality and satisfaction of the user's experience. In an upcoming progressive app, smooth transitions aim to please the user and give the experience a big boost.
One of those transition effects is related to brightening the area that the user taps or clicks on. This transition is achieved by making the other areas darker or opaque. In this type of a transition, the same content is on the screen, but the content that is not in use is set to the background with the darker color or opaque box. This type of a transition is easy on the eyes. Coding it is a fairly simple thing to add into the app's architecture.
Another way to perform a transition within an app is to use sliding cells. When the user taps or clicks on a cell of interest, the cells that are in use slide down. This gives the user more space to add data. In the developer's example, this is done for an app that makes a grocery list. When the user taps on the last cell in the list, new cells are added below it. The user can add additional items or notations to the list. If the user wants to insert things in a logical order, the new cells can be inserted between other cells. This functionality is similar to that of a spreadsheet.
Transition effects can also be achieved through the use of separate boxes or boxes of different colors. In a running tally of expenses in an app, older entries could be grayer, and new entries could be whiter. Different colors of borders around the boxes could be used to identify the category of the expense, such as fuel or groceries. The user could transition to viewing expenses by the date or the category type. For more information click here

Web Development