Proves to be a Useful Graphic Utility Proves to be a Useful Graphic Utility is a website that allows registered users to post works of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so that the site simulates the visually elaborate and interactive effects the three documents work in unison to produce. Some projects are used to demonstrate how the three forms of syntax can result in Scalable Vector Graphics that rival what can be constructed within animation software and exported as self-contained animation files. Other projects can provide a useful syntax-related service for free while including visual effects that showcase how changing said syntax can change its possible outcomes; viewers can use this information for their own HTML projects.
This particular project generates a set of six colors whenever a "refresh" symbol on the lower right portion of the screen is pressed. The six colors are represented as colored bars that dynamically display not only their hex color codes but also the official names associated with those codes. However, only the first and last colors are randomly picked; the syntax behind the project uses mathematical formulae to work out four other colors that would lie "in between" those two colors on the spectrum. The result is a set of six colors that appear to follow a linear ordering logic when viewed from top to bottom, and a background gradient also dynamically adjusts its colors to match the six listed colors.
The exact syntax providing these effects can be viewed and temporarily changed by choosing "Editor View" in the "Change View" option. They show that neither any of the hex color codes nor the accompanying official names had to be manually defined as possible choices for the random functions in order for the project to be able to dynamically generate them. While all of the mathematical functions and random color generation lie within the JavaScript code, the CSS syntax is used to define the overall appearance of the project page. The HTML syntax displays the contents of the page by calling a few critical pieces of the code defined within the CSS document, and it even defines the appearance of the rounded arrow in the "Refresh" button. For more information click here

CodePen Javascript