Check Out What One Person Did With CSS and JavaScript

Check Out What One Person Did With CSS and JavaScript

A website designer in a large online design community shared a link to a blog post about how a person made a pure CSS 3D box that can rotate. It also fills in the background when the cursor hovers over it. The site includes the code and an explanation of what each line in the code does. This person wanted to know what other website designers thought about it and whether or not they would use it in their own design projects.

One person replied with comments about the design being excellent, and the original poster added that it is not yet in its final form. Another person added a comment about the design being nice, and another person thought the coding was slick and the finished result useful.

A different person wrote to the original poster, saying that it was amazing how much 3D animation could be done with just CSS and a little bit of JavaScript for added control They had worked on some projects in the past where they created 3D scenes with HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript. They would not necessarily advise this, but they thought it was fun.

An individual wrote back and wanted to know that if they had 104 of those, like the keys on a keyboard, if it would use too many of a computer's resources. They wanted to know if it is a pure CSS solution that is small in resources or if it takes a lot of loading time. They are concerned about how it would work in the mobile environment.

Someone else wrote back to add their opinion that the filling of the background in red did not look natural. The movement of the box goes forward and down, but the fill goes under and up. The original poster replied and said they hit a wall trying to figure that out. They added that they were considering adding a divider to make the transition look better. They also considered making the fill a liquid and figuring out how to create a wavy edge like a cartoon animation would use. For more information click here

Web Design Javascript CSS