Check Out These Four Font Styles for Your CSS Coding

If you are into web development, you are probably familiar with CSS-Tricks, a very useful and friendly online resource that is all about efficient coding. What you may not know about CSS-Tricks is that it has a few microsites dedicated to nothing but backgrounds, fonts, text editor themes, and terminals to make your chosen profession more enjoyable.

One microsite you definitely need to check out as soon as possible is Coding Fonts, which you can search for within CSS-Tricks or GitHub. As its name implies, the site is a collection of fonts and typefaces that are ideal for coding for various reasons. Purists will tell you that Courier is the only font you should consider coding with, but did you know that Courier Prime is a much better option that is free to download and install? Here are other popular coding fonts you may not be familiar with:

Comic Neue

We can all agree that Comic Sans is the most unfortunately terrible font in the history of digital typography, but the Comic Neue reinterpretation actually works wonders for coding. This typeface is friendly and readable without being outlandish; if you keep a blog about web development or coding topics, Comic Neue would be perfect for showcasing code snippets.

Fantasque Sans Mono

This font may seem a bit odd for coding because it features a bit of a handwriting style, but it looks great on a dark background filled with lines of JavaScript.


There is a good chance that you may never get around to coding in Julia, a programming language that has been around for less than a decade, but this should not stop you from installing JuliaMono in your text editor. JuliaMono is very proportional, but it is also a bit taller than other coding fonts, thus making it ideal for CSS.


This font is clean and open to customization. You get to establish the type traits as you wish them to appear on your screen. In the near future, Hack will likely be featured in Hollywood movie scenes because directors will be able to shape the font to match their cinematic styles. For more information click here