Beginner's guide to Expressive Suite

Beginners and professional designers alike enjoy using Expressive Suite. While Expressive Canvas isn't ready yet, it promises the ability to create eye-catching vector illustration. Expressive Animator just underwent a major update. There are awesome new tools, UI improvements and animated SVG support. They have fixed some bugs too. You can check out their project on GitHub.

Expressive Animator is a free Progressive Web Application. Once installed, you can access it just like any native app. Once installed, users can access the tool without an Internet connection. Creating 2D motion graphics is a good skill to learn now that there are ways to create the graphics on home PCs. There are resources for beginners too, like Expressive Animator.

Expressive Animator users have multiple options to export SVG animation. They can choose the height and width and set the repetitions. The animation can also loop indefinitely. Users can also stop animations from jumping back the the beginning by freezing it at the end if they choose.

A new Pen tool to draw vector shapes with a preview available. Other new tools include a Node tool to easily add, remove or move nodes. Users can also make straight lines curved or smooth out corners with the Node tool. Although Expressive Animator always had a Gradient tool with four types of gradients. Now users can manipulate the gradients to make it relative or absolute.

Zindex Software SRL, out of Romania, owns Expressive Suite, Opis PHP and Opis Colibri, a PHP framework coming soon. The PHP libraries have an Apache 2.0 license. The software is available for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. As an open-source company, Zindex Software continuously maintains and updates their offerings. One thing they do that users appreciate is making al changes and improvements backwards compatible. Users don't have to reinstall the app to take advantage of changes. For more information click here