An Homage Can Inspire A Web Developer's Most Popular Work

An Homage Can Inspire A Web Developer's Most Popular Work

A programmer and web developer took some time in order to create a prototype of a web design. This design features the web developer's original artwork inspired by known characters, including Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1. This web developer wanted to share the site prototype with other developers and find out what they thought about it. A lot of people wanted to know how the web developer made the site.

The web developer explained that they created a composition out of their original artwork. They used this composition in the site design elements. They color graded the images so that they would coordinate well with the text and background. Finally, the web developer layered everything in AE. The developer then took the time to add some animations. The animated parts of the artwork and design include flames, background and more.

The developer noted that they regularly create videos and share them on their social media. The videos are posted on their own website. Several reviewers felt like the videos of the programming and layout processes were more helpful than a lot of the other videos and tutorials that they have watched.

This developer encouraged anyone who liked the video or who thought that the animated effects or site design was cool to visit their social media and site on a regular basis. They said that they frequently upload videos and tutorials about their projects so that others can be inspired to think creatively and program fun designs, too.

A few people had interesting and amusing comments for the web developer. One noted that the site's design looked a lot like Geo Cities, which is an old web hosting service that people who are in their mid to late 30s or older would remember. Another person wrote that the interaction in the video was more impressive than what was made available on the site. The video was more inspiring to the people who clicked on it and watched it in its entirety than the site was. People who only visited the site seemed to click on the video for information. For more information click here

Homage Web Development