Design Buddys - #4 of Best New web design Companies

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About Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading New web design Firm Design Buddys

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Service Screenshot from the Award Winning Top New web design Business Design Buddys

Design Buddys

Design Buddies is a design firm recently recognized as one of the best web design companies of 2014. They offer full service design packages, including custom graphics for both print and web. With offices located in Florida, California, and Texas, Design Buddies offers original design work from its in house digital artists, and prides itself on never designing a website from a website. After only two years, Design Buddies boasts hundredsof web design projects, and remains the only web design and development company with its own integrated social network and business management solution platform: BizGrasp. Design Buddies uses BizGrasp for in-house client management, which allows their customers to provide instant feedback on the creative process to the digital artists working on their designs, and also to keep track of updates as milestones are met in the development process. Design Buddies' design services include video commercial production, e-commerce design, SEO, mobile application development, and a fully featured hosting package that offers a managed, dedicated server with enough power, storage, and bandwidth for most business needs. Design Buddies offers 24x7 sales and support, available through phone, email, and web chat.