Hedgehog Lab - #10 of Top Mobile App Companies

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Hedgehog Lab About Page

About Screenshot from the Award Winning Best Android App Company Hedgehog Lab

Hedgehog Lab

Hedgehog Lab, an app design firm with branches in three continents, provides global technology solutions for top businesses across the globe. Their list of clients includes England Rugby, Infiniti, ThinkingDigital, University of the Arts London, Bic, and more. Hedgehog Lab works with nascent startups and Fortune 500 corporations alike. They hold "Discovery Workshops" with clients in order to teach them more about the benefits of planning for mobile apps. Services include business intelligence, CRM (customer relationship management), IT management, marketing, project management, software development, and more. Their apps can be done for iOS systems, such as the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. In addition, they can develop apps for Windows phones, Android devices, HTML5 Web programs, and more. Their branches are in multiple locations, including Newcastle, London, Boston, Austin, Copenhagen, and Hyderabad. Interested clients can reach out to Hedgehog Lab via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.