Dotlogics - #6 of Best iPhone App Agencies

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Dotlogics has been helping clients create great company websites in addition to helping clients with mobile branding and the design of mobile applications. Dotlogics focuses on creating websites that foster an enjoyable user experience. This is accomplished through engaging web content that is tailored to the client's needs and focused on generating page hits and customer satisfaction. The online marketing component of Dotlogics is centered around promoting the client's message and reaching the maximum amount of people without being obtrusive. Social media marketing, viral marketing, and email marketing campaigns are all part of the picture. As a company, Dotlogics has already created over 200 mobile applications for its diverse array of clients. According to Dotlogics, creating a workable mobile application depends on understanding the client's user base and the client's specific message. Dotlogics is an example of a versatile online firm that creates web content, apps and online marketing campaigns.