When schools need a website that is dedicated to communication with the students and parents, they will often use the best school web development firm for the desired results. The best firms will utilize the designs associated with the school while offering methods of communication and various divisions so that users can easily identify classes, staff and special events. The companies below have been reviewed based on a wide range of qualitative and quantitative statistics. In some cases, variable listing fees effect position on this list; however only highly-regarded firms are accepted through our review analysis. Learn more about our ranking process here.
Rank | Name | Website | Location | Hourly Rate | Rating | Employees | Learn More |
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bluefountainmedia.com | New York | $$$ | 99% | 50-250 | |
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spinxdigital.com | Los Angeles | $$$$ | 96% | 10-50 | |
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finalsite.com | Glastonbury | $$ | 96% | 10-50 | |
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ironpaper.com | New York | $$$$$ | 94% | 10-50 | |
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inresonance.com | Northampton | $$$$ | 91% | 50-250 | |
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edlio.com | Austin | $$$ | 89% | 1-10 | |
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dreamcodesign.com | West Dundee | $$$$ | 86% | 10-50 | |
8 | ![]() |
twdcampustours.com | Macon | $$$ | 85% | 10-50 |
#1 of 10 Best School Web Design Companies of 2019 - Making that shift from the very now to the very next is one idea that many school administrators must tackle with ease and gusto in the contemporary world. Those who know the importance of creating a website that is easy for every single one of their students to use find it ideal to consult with the experts at Blue Fountain Media. Those who want the help they must have in order to have a fantastic school site can work with them to make sure all of their students can find out the information they need about any school related task.
#2 of 10 Top School Web Design Agencies of 2019 - No matter whether a school is private or public, it needs to have a solid website that shows what type of an experience its students, their parents or guardians and staff can expect when attending the facility. School websites may also need to have specialized access for things such as paying lunch fees, registering for classes, signing up for volunteer hours and checking student grades. One of the 10 leading firms that can build an efficient and responsive school website is SPINX Digital. The associates at SPINX Digital work to deliver the school's message in a way that is accessible.
#3 of 10 Top School Web Design Agencies of 2019 - FinalSite is an award winning school web design firm. They design websites for institutions ranging from independent schools to college and universities and even for school districts. They offer ready to order themes that can be completely customized for your school’s unique needs and ideas or they can help build your website design from scratch. FinalSite designs offer many features including an easy to use, yet powerful, CMS. They also include a learning management system which include group spaces, private social networking and personalized classroom pages. Enrollment management and login portals are also included. For a free website audit, or information, visit https://www.finalsite.com/.
#4 of 10 Top School Web Design Companies of 2019 - Ironpaper is a school web design firm with offices located in both North Carolina and New York. However, this web design firm partners with clients across the nation. Ironpaper primarily works with many types of schools. Many school employees realize how important it is to engage their students. Using this same principle, Ironpaper works to ensure their client's websites are able to drive engagement in the form of leads and sales. By partnering with Ironpaper, you'll be working with a company that focuses on the importance of conversion paths, performance data, and other important web design factors.
#5 of 10 Best School Web Design Companies of 2019 - Founded in 1999, inRESONANCE is a top named best school web design firm. They are able to build school websites which offer a variety of features and solutions. Admissions and enrollment can be done online and completely paperless, saving both time and money. Financial aid tracking as well as records and bill pay can also be done easily right through the website. inRESONANCE also offers student management features such as standard based assessments, web and mobile portals for teacher, student and parents, online forms and data integration. Fundraising and events are also easily managed through your school website. For more information, visit https://www.inresonance.com.
#6 of 10 Best School Web Design Agencies of 2019 - Schools, ranging from preschools to higher education facilities, have much different uses of official school websites than businesses do, as businesses try to sell as much products and services that they can whereas schools try to increase enrollment and keep parents and community members happy. Edlio is a firm known for crafting hundreds of American schools' websites, not to mention keeping up with them over the years following the implementation of those new websites so that they can help their school clients stay competitive in their districts. Edlio is found in Los Angeles, California; Chicago, Illinois; Austin, Texas; Mexico; and Canada.
#7 of 10 Best School Web Design Agencies of 2019 - DreamCo Design is an award winning school web design firm. They work with educational institutions from daycare to universities to help build professional and functional websites. Their designs feature services such as individual pages for teachers to post class information, school-wide announcement and messaging system for staff, privacy protected content, downloadable media and more. Websites by DreamCo Design also offer enrollment tools such as online forms with attachments, deadline dates and limits and secure payment options. All websites are fully responsive and offer an app-like experience as well as a home-screen icon for mobile devices. For more information or samples visit https://www.dreamcodesign.com/educationalwebdesign.php.
#8 of 10 Top School Web Design Firms of 2019 - Third Wave Digital is an award winning school web design firm. They design websites for colleges and universities that are responsive across both desktop and mobile devices. Their CMS is easy to use so that site administrators can easily make content changes and updates, manage site pages, assign users and more. Third Wave Design can set up a virtual campus tour right on your website for prospective students and their families through photo and video presentations. Websites also feature student led virtual video tours with scripts, videography and post-production handled by Third Wave Designs. To request a quote, or see samples, visit http://www.twdcampustours.com/.