You Want To Go From Front-End To Full-Stack Web Developer? Follow These Steps.

At some point in their careers, web designers and developers may wish to take that next step into full stack development, meaning that they can work on projects that will call for the coding of both client and server solutions. Being able to take on full stack projects is not only lucrative but can also help towards securing a full-time position as a leading developer. Mastering the front and back ends of development projects means being able to do more than just creating HTML and CSS websites; it means being able to program databases, servers, and even browsers.

One of the first steps of the journey towards full stack development involves understanding what you will get into, and this is something that many beginners tend to get stuck in. You have to look at the stack and grasp how the various elements link so that you can understand how the information is supposed to flow. Since there are various frameworks involved, a good way to comprehend the project is to make a graphical representation of it. Similar to wireframing websites, visualizing stacks will not only help you but also your clients.

Let's say a project will be developed on the React framework; you will want to start with an element that indicates the front end, meaning the website with the user interface for visitors. This front end will connect to the React framework, which in turn connects to the API; for example, NodeJS and Express plus Mongoose if this is a database project, and there would be an ultimate connection to MongoDB.

Static files are part of full stack development projects, so the API element should connect to them. Once you get into data mining projects, which are inherently more complex, your front end and back end elements will have to represented separately, and the connector lines will need to show the layout, dynamic content, programming language, and primary database before linking to the framework. To this end, you can have HTML, CSS and JavaScript on the front end while Python and OrientDB, for example, go on the back end before connecting to frameworks such as Leaflet.JS and Flask. For more information click here