What You Should Really Know About the Dark Mode Trend

Dark mode is a trending feature in the tech industry. It allows the user to substitute a bright white background or other bright background colors with navy or black. Twitter launched its version in 2017, and Facebooks's messenger launched theirs in April 2019. Apple just announced that it will have a dark mode option for iOS 13 this autumn.

Some people swear by dark mode being easier on the eyes. People with migraines are the most likely to prefer dark mode. However, the evidence is not there. That is because there hasn't been any research on it. For most people, dark mode won't do anything to ease their tired eyes. It's just an aesthetic option. In fact, some data shows that different screen displays, including dark ones, slow people when doing timed tasks. Most vision professionals believe that dark mode won't help with eye problems.

Other people who like dark mode say that it helps them at night. There is some fact to this belief. The eyes will adjust better to dark household conditions if the screen is not as bright. Smartphones and the most recent generation of computers have ambient light sensors. This allows them to automatically adjust their brightness based on the ambient light in your location. These features and the dark mode settings could be helpful for people who are sensitive to bright lights.

A computer science PhD candidate, Syed Billah, has done some research suggesting that dark mode may not be good for people with low vision. It could also be difficult for people with eye diseases, such as glaucoma.

Overall, it is good that big tech firms offer the dark mode option. Even if it won't make you work faster or get rid of your eye fatigue, it could be helpful at times. What the tech industry and vision professionals need to do is to initiate research studies in order to find out how to make the most of the dark mode option. Having data to back up their claims could be especially helpful for people with migraines and other types of light sensitivity issues. For more information click here https://onezero.medium.com/dark-mode-isnt-the-answer-to-our-screen-problems-1b9db4ef06fb.