Webpage Linking: Should you use Target_Blank in Links?

A single link on your website holds a lot of power for SEO and general marketing and visitor engagement. You can debate everything from color and underline to ideal anchor text. One of the top considerations is determining where the link opens: on the same page or in a new tab. The CSS code "target_blank" does the latter and it is nearly omnipresent in link building.

But should it be?

Times NOT to Use Target_Blank in Links - Maybe

Some internet marketers make the argument against using this CSS expression "just because." Maybe you like opening a new tab with every click, but other people may not. This also extends to clients who direct you to use it on their sites.

Whether the link points to streaming media, an image, pdf or another external file, your social media page, or affiliate shop, some say to avoid "target_blank" anyway. There is always a back arrow on the browser.

Times To Use Target_Blank in Links

When it comes down to actually using it on a website, most seem to prefer "target_blank" for every internal and external link. Sure, browsers have back arrows, but they also have tabs that people are very used to using. It has become quite commonplace and expected for everything to open up in a new tab.

The site visitor gets considerable benefits from this CSS code too. First, they can open multiple links from one page and view them at their leisure. Second, they will never lose their place on your page by momentarily looking at another. Third, they can still listen to or view media they launched while off-page.

From a marketer's perspective, making links open in new tabs keep visitors on your website for longer. The last thing you want to do is have them click away and then get interested in whatever site that is and not come back to yours.

The "target_blank" CSS expression for on-site links has long been commonplace. Although there are some arguments against it, using it fulfills the current expectations of tabbed browsers.