Web Design Museum Takes a Look at How Websites Evolve

Have you ever wondered what the original “Google”, “Facebook”, or “Yahoo” websites looked like? The Web History Museum is a great tool for programmers who want to follow the trends of website design between the years of 1995 and 2005.

It might be hard to believe, but the year 2005 is nearly 14 years ago, and through this time, design and programing capabilities have increased significantly. This site can be used to simply have nostalgia trips about your favorite classic webpages or even to inspire budding designers to incorporate some classical design choices in their modern pages, today.

The Web Design Museum even allows the user to search by design styles, year of release, or even category of information, giving them the ability to sort an entire decade of internet sites in various ways, allowing us to better study the evolution of web design elements throughout the period. Did you know that the most popular websites, in order, between 1995 and 2005 are Apple.com, Google.com, and eBay.com? Well, using the Web Design Museum webpage gives you this option to further modify this sorting criteria to view websites based on their dates of first release or by their total page views.

In their “About” page, you can meet the authors, who hope to provide the youth of 2030 a glimpse of what the internet looked like in the beginning of its mass application throughout the world. To grow the page and even send them screenshots of websites yourself, the “About” page allows you to share your images with the authors. This is a great way to add to the already impressive collection of websites displayed on The Web Design Museum, and we hope you’ll help us in creating an impressive, comprehensive, and user-friendly Web Design Museum.

Check it out here: www.webdesignmuseum.org.