Using CSS Animation to Create an Engaging Loading Screen

A website that exists to display visual work typically needs to undergo an occasionally lengthy loading process when it is first brought up in an Internet-browsing program. It is very common for this kind of website to put effort into dressing up the loading screen itself with an elaborate display of animation and effects that exists to convey to the visitor what kind of content they can expect to peruse on the website itself. One of the more basic criteria for a visual design website to fulfill in order to retain the active interest of its visitors, however, is that it does not wait too long for its user interface elements to present themselves after the initial loading process has completed.

A Japanese-language website located at seems to exist for the sake of playfully standing in defiance to these norms. Upon bringing the site up, viewers are treated to a fifty-second display of astoundingly elaborate animation that would appear to many observers to be a sequence that is only possible through the use of an interactive video file loaded externally by the website. However, everything displayed on the screen makes use of the CSS animation technique, which uses syntax to instruct the browser itself to render these visuals natively. Because CSS animation does not require loading a large file created in Adobe Flash or a similar program, the website is loaded extremely quickly.

It would never be acceptable for a website that intends to maintain a profitable business to create a "splash screen" that forces all of its visitors to wait through so much as twenty seconds in order to reach the website's main menu and navigation features. Fortunately, this website briefly displays a "skip" button that can take users directly to the menu and navigation screen, but it automatically disappears shortly after the initial "wait" portion of the animation has passed by. Many potential visitors will therefore be presented with an experience that passes by at an almost reckless pace while being unable to skip most of the animation because they did not press "skip" in time. For more information click here