Upgrade Website Performance Without Wasting Resources

As a web developer, one of the cornerstones of a great website that you'll abide by is the performance aspect. In that, you know that simply bombarding clients' systems with tons of data is no way to run a site, especially if you want to be visible to mobile devices. Keep in mind that Google checks on site performance and establishes your rank in accordance with that, so even if people are willing to tolerate it, locating your site from organic SEO is going to be subpar for crappy construction.

As such, you're probably wary of plugging animations into your site for fear of how it'll affect the various devices that want to view your offerings. After all, if you're using Flash— yes, let's use the most ridiculous example ever — then your visitors will have issues, and that translates to reduced visitor influx. What should you do to keep the strain off RISC and CISC systems alike when you want to spice up your layout? You simplify the computational load.

Well, okay — it's not quite that easy. You have to know where to go and what to do, right? Take this site for example: It uses a canvas to manually animate gradient shifts over each tile behind an alpha. This isn't terribly taxing for visitors with modestly up-to-date towers or laptops, but when you try to run this on a smartphone, the results could be radically different. If you're one of the developers who's looking for a cleaner way to handle it, here are a few suggestions:1. Give WebGL a try. Instead of expressing the color interpolations as a range for each individual tile, try writing it in the form of a pixel shader on a super low-resolution backdrop.2. Don't use an alpha; instead, implement an interpolation range for each tile. While it's technically a different effect, it appears very much the same to the average user.3. If all else fails, cheat with a gif image. Consider planting a gif of the preferred animation as your backdrop. This will use next to zero resources on the whole although the quality will suffer a hit. For more information click here https://codepen.io/Veega/full/MXJMyN/.