Try to Use the Right Image in a Blog Post

High-quality illustration can turn a boring website into one that conveys brand values or emotions creatively. Stock photos portraying perfect families or beautiful, air-brushed women do nothing to make your brand stand out. Stock photos of perfect people, pets or homes are not authentic. People can spot stock images right away since they see them so often. The young, attractive woman using her laptop while lying on the floor with her baby is on so many sites offering work from home opportunities. Visitors to these sites know she isn’t a real worker.

You can capture abstract idea; Medium uses a man with an illustration of swirls representing the thoughts in a writer's head. You can also use illustrations to show visitors to your website that your brand represents people just like them. Instead of a photograph of a group of men and women of different races, you can use a silhouette or ambiguous illustration.

Finding the perfect illustration is always a challenge for publishers. While there are many sites offering free illustrations, it takes too much time to visit each one and search for the right illustration for your brand. A new search engine, Free Web Illustrations, makes it easier and faster to find the best illustration for your brand. It searches multiple sites offing over 1,500 free illustrations, and each illustration comes with the applicable license and the type of file formats available.

Illustrations are not cartoonish any more. It's possible to find sophisticated illustrations which portray a variety of ideas and emotions. An arrow pointing down instantly shows visitors where to download your app, saving them from reading through text.

Illustrations add a creative element to sites while clarifying the website's purpose and features. Photos can distract but minimal background illustrations can subtly reinforce a brand's message. For more information click here