Try This 7-Minute Tutorial to Excel in This Software Package

CSS Grid is such a simple skill for deelopers to pick up but some are still shying away from it. Luckily, Statuscode has produced a 7-minute tutorial that is thorough and easily understandable. Using their guide, even an end user can get into UI development with such simplified syntax.

Rand-Hendriksen was the teacher of this Youtube video and the event was held in Wordcamp Europe 2017. The video starts out slowly but it is able to catch up and cover all of the basics that a CSS newbie will need to know. The viewer will be left with a basic template that the can expand upon in order to create more complex websites.

The Statuscode Youtube page is definitely growing with their latest tutorials. In addition to CSS Grid, that have also produced content going over Node, React and command line programs. They also have more CSS tutorials planned in the near future since their last video had trended so much.

Many advanced devlopers recommend writing out their CSS Grid code using flex to optimize browser support. Wrapping your main code aroud the flex tags should be able to filter out unsupported or unstable browser for the web page. It is usually recommended to have Internet Explorer default to the mobile version of your website since it has a hard time rendering certain Javascript libraries.

About Wordcamp Europe 2017

Wordcamp Europe is just one of many code-related educations tours and this event had taken place in Paris, France. May great talks had come out of this event and went viral. This included the David Lockie: How To Grow From Freelancer To Agency Owner report.

About Morten Rand-Hendriksen

He employed by LinkedIn Learning and as a staff instructor that is keeping the corporate world up-to-date with development trends. He is especially skilled at instructing Wordpress and UX design through his various course. In total, he has over 60 courses produced that coverers various design topics. In addition to being an entrepreneur, he is busy being a family man and perusing other intellectual hobbies.