This Recursive Typeface Allows Morphing for an Interesting Font Design

A web designer has set up a new, free variable typeface for other designers to use. It is a recursive Sans and Mono typeface. It is for vibrant code and uni coding. The designer built this new typeface in order to maximize the versatility, control and performance of it in different environments. It is called Recursive. It is set up on a five-axis system. As a variable font, it can sort of morph, depending on how it is set up. The user is able to choose from a big range of different, pre-defined styles. They can also input their own specifications of what they want for each of the five axes. Those axes are proportion, mono space, weight, slant and italic. It allows the user to take full advantage of the variable properties of the font.

A member of the website designing community came across the site shortly after the Recursive font was released, and they shared it with the community in order to gain some knowledge about the perspective and thoughts of others. A lot of people were intrigued by the idea and took a look at the site. One person took a look at it and thought that it was well-made, and they looked forward to possibly using it.

Another person reviewed it and expressed their hope that it would soon make it into the Google fonts library. A different person replied and stated their intent to use it in a redesign of their site. The original poster added that near the bottom of the home page of the Recursive site, there is a set of helpful instructions. Those instructions explain how the designer can just use the one font and manipulate it in order to just use that one style for all of their headings and the body text on a page.

A few people who took a look at the Recursive site noted that it had a slow response time. They wondered if it was due to too much traffic all at once or if it was a performance problem in the mobile browser/OS environment. For more information click here