This Is What a CSS Grid Is and Its Use

As you know, responsive website designs are all the buzz in today's world of building web pages. There's a roughly 50-50 mix of traditional computer users and smartphones in terms of devices used to browse the Internet. Since no single web page layout can be used to look good on both of these devices, responsive website design, or RWD, for short, is of utmost importance in contemporary web design.

What is CSS?

CSS is one of the three languages necessary for website creation, alongside JavaScript and HyperText Markup Language, or JS and HTML, respectively.

CSS is short for Cascading Style Sheets, which acts as the means of adding color, fonts, borders, and other design features to web pages.

What is a CSS grid?

Cascading Style Sheets grid layout is a technique for designing layouts of items that are present on web pages on a two-dimensional basis. Without this method of outlaying items on web pages, designing responsive website designs would be much, much more difficult.What is a design mockup?

Design mockups are exactly what they sound like - the term isn't a type of technical jargon used in web design or, more specifically, the use of Cascading Style Sheets.

Now that we've got these basic definitions out of the way, it's possible for us to cover three tips for forming CSS grids that more closely match your design mockups, whether you initially draft them in digital or physical form.

Using grid systems for building RWD

Design elements need to be squarely laid out within CSS grid systems. Although this seems easy, it's difficult to actually code in accurate detail. Bootstrap, a popular framework, makes this easier, though it weighs down pages and reduces fine control.

Check out these three strategies for improving your performance in doing this type of work.

First off, using 12-column grids makes things a little easier, especially when they're evenly spaced. However, Internet Explorer doesn't make using this grid-gap tool easy. You also can't begin. new columns where gaps end, or vice-versa.

Second, with grid-template-columns, you'll find that you can use the function of repeat to make 11 columns followed by gaps. Then, simply insert a final column to get the 12-column layout. This fixes problems incurred with Internet Explorer.

Lastly, you can use grid-column to make sure gaps, gutters, and columns fit evenly into templates. With this method, all child elements will fit in your CSS grid layout in a precise manner without any hassle. You'll have to crunch a few more numbers this way, but it's worth it if you want to get the most from your CSS grid layout in building responsive website designs. For more information click here