These Tips Will Help Web Designers Who Use an Aggregator

Content aggregator websites are great; you can view news and sports scores from different sites in one convenient place. Everything is organized and categorized in a user-friendly interface so you can find what you need easily. No matter where your interest lies, there is an overload of information online which is constantly updated. There are different types of aggregators; some display news from different sources while others let you choose the websites included in the feed. Content aggregators grab RSS feeds from other websites; they rarely publish original content.

SEO is challenging if you operate a content aggregator website because you'll have little original content and a lot of duplicate content. The only way to overcome these obstacles is to offer some type of original content, like opinions on current news and to chase backlink opportunities. A content aggregator site which provides a link and attribution actually helps the websites where the news or other content originates as they gain additional exposure.

Building a content aggregator website is easy using WordPress. WP-Drudge is a template for news curation with multiple configuration options. There are plenty of other themes and plugins you can use as well like the WP RSS Aggregator. Net, it's important to find websites with content that will interest your intended audience and provide them with useful information. You also want to ensure your content sources are accurate and not publishing fake news.

Now you need to add can add value to your content aggregation website by addition unique content. If it is a news story, you can add historical information that may help readers understand the story better, If you're aggregating sports scores, add your own commentary about the team's history of winning and losing or a fun fact about one of the players. You are giving your visitors added value and helping your SEO as well. For more information click here