The surprising truth about developers and web design markup languages

You'd think that working for any company that designs websites would entail that even the most uninvolved members of the facility would know a thing or two about markup languages. It's become a trait of this technologically driven era to know forum posts and site coding functions on the most basic level with tools such as bold, italic and underline commands. As I tell you this, you're probably nodding along like you've been there and seen it all, but would it shock you to know that there are many personalities inside the developer sphere that actually don't understand how any of it works?

One of the skills that's expected of me as a writer is knowing what header tags are, also known as h-tags. Now, forum-crawlers aren't as likely to use headers as boldface or italics, but the concept is every inch as simple: You surround the word or phrase with brackets and a letter command inside them, the closing command implementing a forward slash. Imagine that you're inside a web development firm office with a bevy of site-building geeks who are churning out line after line of markup code that means who-knows-what to your average llama, and leave it to these very people to have no concept of what header tags are of all things.

When I heard about this from a friend, I couldn't believe it. I had to actually Google "what are h tags" to be sure that we were talking about the same thing. That's when it was revealed that there are many folks in the web development community who are shockingly improficient at the basics despite knowing enough of the complicated material to get both feet in with a UX and design firm. This, my friend, is exactly why we always start from the ground up when training new developers. Unfortunately, it's also led to some pretty pitifully waged positions in the development field by companies that expect nothing more than cheaply constructed web material to flatly get the message of their existence across.

If you're invested in learning web design, at least learn the basics before you get into the higher-caliber material. It'll save you and the design firm trouble, earn you a higher wage and maybe stem the flow of this harmful under-waging habit that has taken hold on some corners of the Internet.For more information click here