The Importance of Using Good Font Protocol on Your Site

Choosing The Right Free Font For Your Website The Importance of Choosing Fonts

Fonts are an important aspect of website design - but, in a lot of cases, front end designers often overlook font selection. It makes sense - it seems, in the grand scheme of things, to be a relatively small detail, comparatively. However, fonts are an important part of many websites as the font attracts the eye and, realistically speaking, is the glue that holds may websites layouts together. A website could be beautiful, however, if the font looks weird or is hard to read, it will receive far less traffic than a website where the font is attractive, legible, and relevant to the design.

New and Old Free Font Options

If you're looking for a font that matches your website, there are thousands of free fonts to choose from. Some, of course, you're going to have to manually install - but that is only a simple google search away. Others are already tried, true, and preprogrammed into most design and editing tools. Below, we have gathered a few favorites, for both tried and true fonts and some of our more recent favorites.

Tried and True Website Fonts: Sans Serif Serif Crafter

New and Unique Fonts:

Moon Loki Lovelyn

Each of these fonts provides a different visual - and your choice of font should be selected based upon how it meshes with your website design. These are a wide range of fonts, depending on your aesthetic and personal tastes. Some of them are rounded letters, giving an antique and classic feel, others are sharp and precise and bold. A few are even hybrid handwriting fonts, to give your website a truly authentic look.

Ultimately, the font you choose is up to you - but keep in mind, when creating a website, the font may very well make or break someone's opinion. The font pulls together the content and the aesthetics, making it exceptionally important. For more information click here