Take the Time to Ensure Your Site Design is ADA-compliant

For web designers, few things are more frustrating than a client who makes changes after the site's launch. If you built the website using a content management system, and the former client can change the font and background easily, he or she can ruin the design quickly. Clients often do not realize that they are paying for more than your technical expertise, they are paying for your knowledge of color, readability and ADA compliance.

The site's owners may not legally have to be ADA compliant yet, but what business would want to alienate potential customers? Unfortunately, there are some clients, ones that we have all run across, that want designs that are barely readable to someone with perfect eyesight. What do you do about a client that insists on a light gray text on a white background?

Designing a perfectly compliant website for people with disabilities is nearly impossible, if you take into account every disabling condition beyond visual impairments. Still, defining a background and text color in your CSS is helpful because then people can use their browser or a browser extension to adjust the site to their needs. Defining one and not the other ruins their ability to change the UI.

Accessibility is not limited to color; unnavigable websites are not World Wide Web Consortium compliant. This gives designers an excuse when a client insists on using clever pictures for navigation, with no text. Naturally, a mystery menu is bad UI design, but clients do not know this or they wouldn't hire a web design firm. It's like Parallax Scrolling; clients love 3D effect, but it slow down the page. If you tell a client that Parallax Scrolling does look nice, it validates their choice. You can tell them that some users have developed motion sickness from it, which is true; it gives them a chance to back down without feeling as if they have bad taste. Sometimes, it's all in how you word things to a client. For more information click here https://i.redd.it/smk1lj6lna111.png.