Take the hassle out of file sharing by installing FilePond

A comprehensive JavaScript library capable of uploading anything the user sees fit, FilePond makes image optimization look easy, and it's highly accessible, too. Users will appreciate the ease and seamlessness that FilePond offers at a reasonable price.

Features Available on FilePond

With FilePond, it's easy to drop or select files from the system, upload new files by utilizing the API, or copy and paste them wherever necessary. Input formats are no problem, as the system accepts blobs, local URLs, remote URLs, data URIs, files, and directories. If users need to send files to the server, all they need to do is utilize XMLHttpRequest or to store and submit as base64 via the File Encode plugin. The cropping and resizing of images is simplified on the client, given this is automatic, which saves bandwidth and greatly increases upload speeds. The interface is easy to use and navigable by Keyboard, and it has been tested with AT software such as JAWS and VoiceOver. FilePond is also highly responsive, seeing it scales automatically depending on the amount of space available. Furthermore, it is functional on both desktop and mobile devices, making it a flexible tool that is useful for a diverse array of projects.

Additional Perks on FilePond

In addition to its primary features, FilePond offers a whole host of additional features that make it stand out among the competition. Among them are the ability to limit file sizes and types, the ability to crop images to suit certain specifications such as a fixed ratio, and the ability to convert files to different image formats like PNG or JPEG. Users also benefit from FilePond's image transformation capabilities, its clear documentation, the option of catching files that are dropped on a given page, and the client's capacity to expand via the use of plug ins.