Take a Look at These Old GUIs for a Laugh

A person shared an article that showcases a curated list of websites that look like desktop graphic user interfaces. They look like the graphics that were in use more than 20 years ago. The person who shared this wanted to know what other website designers thought about it. They shared the link in a large online forum where people discuss topics related to web design.

One person took a look and shared their own terminal graphic. They wanted to know if it would also count. Someone else added a comment with an image of a desktop GUI that was also unusable. They added that the original designer did a nice job on the graphic interface. Someone else added that anybody can add one to the list by clicking on the contribute button and following the directions it provides.

Another person took a look and thought it was cool. Someone else said that these were all masterpieces. A different person took a look and said that poolside.fm is "dope." One person shared a link to an open source glass animals site that also has some interesting graphic user interfaces they thought people would enjoy. A person who took a look at the graphic user interfaces added a comment that it and the whole site were impressive.

Someone said they went on a site called Geek Prank. They somehow managed to play Minesweeper and Tetris for more than an hour when they were supposed to be working. They got there through the link posted by the original poster, and they somewhat sarcastically said thanks.

A person shared a few comments about how graphic user interfaces are a concept that was no good, and they are glad that those old logos and terminals have gone the way of the dinosaurs. One individual reported a problem. The original poster chimed in and said that they fixed it. A couple of people said they loved it and thanked the original poster for sharing. One person said that it used to be cool but now is tiresome. The original poster wanted this individual to expand this. For more information click here https://simone.computer/#/webdesktops.