SVGs Can Be Updated to Perform Better on Responsive Sites

Scalable Vector Graphics, or SVGs, are an ideal solution for showing graphics on the internet. They are responsive to the type of device, scaling themselves in order to not take up the entire screen of a small device or be too tiny to see on a large desktop computer monitor. SVGs are also widely used for animations, place holders for logos and other applications. One internet design guru has identified some places where Spotify could make some improvements to its logo by using SVGs.

All pages associated with Spotify have the company's logo. Some pages show it twice, once in the upper left corner and again in the center of the page. Spotify already uses SVGs for its logo, so a person might wonder what the problem is if the company is already doing with design experts recommend. This guru has a few recommendations about how the Spotify logo could be made better.

The first recommendation is to include the Spotify logo once on the page. In-lining the logo in CSS is a commonly used method. The size of the image is on the larger side, so including it just once would make the page more efficient. Some pages also use the logo in their headers and footers. This amounts to extra coding and loading times. A better way would be to put the logo's code in a CSS class or style sheet that can be reused as needed.

A second recommendation for the Spotify logo is to optimize the coding for it. In some cases, extra identification and styling are added to the code. These are not needed. Taking out those unneeded attributes could shave 10 to 12 percent of the space requirements for the logo's code.

Finally, the design professional reviewing the Spotify logo recommends making the logo more responsive. This would be done through coding rather than the viewing port. The logo would change its size and have a fluid design based on the device used to access the page. All of these tips for the Spotify logo are applicable to other SVGs. For more information click here