Sites With HTTPS Will Get Priority Ranking On Google Searches

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS is a more secure protocol than HTTP, which stand for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure and Hypertext Transfer Protocol respectively. It is more secure in the sense that sites containing this at the beginning of the URL have encrypted all of your data to ensure that, in case it ends up in the wrong hands, they have difficulty accessing it without a specific key to decode it.Why do we need HTTPS?

Coders and even those who are considered less tech savvy should appreciate the HTTPS protocol, as it comes with the following benefits: Verified Advertisements and CPM

Having a verified website lets advertisers know that they can trust you to get paid per thousand clicks on an ad. Advertising agencies are less likely to pay you per thousand clicks, or even at all, if you don’t seem like a trusted site. Protection from Decryption

With HTTPS, all data on trusted websites is encrypted to ensure that you can’t have your SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) decrypted and compromised by just anyone. It gives you privacy and protects important information such as credit card information, passwords, social security numbers, and even addresses. First Impressions on Viewers

Having your website be on of the trusted sites on Google Chrome gives clients and visitors the idea that you aren’t one of the “non-https” and therefore the “non-trusted” scam that people have to look be on the lookout for. Boost in Search Ranks

Recently, Google has decided to give a search rank boost to secure sites using their search engine in order to promote trusted sites and encourage companies to verify themselves. During this day and age, security is more important than ever before, so being guaranteed a higher search rank in exchange for verifying the trustworthiness of the company is one way to ensure it gets done. For more information click here