Scalable Vector Graphics Are Here to Stay, And Here's Why:

A website designer has noticed that a certain art style is showing up more frequently on a wide variety of websites. The art style features simple drawings and solid colors for the fill between the lines. Likenesses of people have no face and have some unusual hair colors, such as plum purple and navy blue. The scenery is simple and also tends to feature some unusual colors. This person wondered where this art is coming from and whether or not there is a website they can visit and get images like this for free.

One person replied and said that these images are available on a lot of different websites. They said that is one such website. A few people seconded as a source they use for this type of art. Another person added that this is the modern equivalent of cheap clip art for the 2020s, and it is a reason why nobody can have nice things today.

Someone else replied about this type of art making it look like people and brands have no identity. They do not like the style and would not use it on their projects. Some people agreed with this individual, adding that a lot of these graphics are done by illustrators who are doing it as a gig or freelancer as a custom project for the client.

Several others provided websites that offer this kind of art available for a download. A web designer should keep in mind that these graphics may not necessarily be available at no cost. The illustrator wants to get paid as much as the web designer wants to get paid. It is unusual that web designers tend to expect graphics to be available for free at a high frequency.

Another person replied, stating that people are using these vector graphics because they load quickly. This is especially important on mobile devices when people are using data to access sites. A person built on this, saying that people working from home due to COVID-19 may be putting a higher demand on residential broadband and mobile data services. For more information click here