Programming Games are the New Typing Class

For a variety of reasons, businesses, big time corporations and small, independent developers have found it worth their whiles to create games or activities that teach people how to program. While the concept is nothing new, it seems that the programming game genre is peaking now, with more examples than ever on the Internet or in physical form designed to help both complete newbies and dabblers get a grip on the concept of programming.

The basic concept behind most of these games is the same: Actions are set up, or programmed, typically before any sort of automation or gameplay starts. When the user thinks he or she is ready, the automation is triggered and the user can observe what the programming has caused something to do in a given situation. One of the latest entries into this foray is Warrior.js, which is not an exception to this trend. After installing a tiny program onto a Linux operating environment, the user is tasked with using Javascript to tell a virtual "warrior" how to respond to given situations.

Since this game deals with real Javascript coding, it's a bit more advanced than the Google "kids coding" programming games that were released at the end of last year, or even the popular coding robot arena game Gladiabots, though conceptually, they are all very similar. In this case, after programming some ways a Warrior will "react" to something happening, the automation is started and a text-based monitoring system begins. The gameplay is divided into turns, not uncommon of the fantasy genre, detailing what the environment is doing and how the player's programmed warrior is faring. There's a few simple attributes the player can monitor each turn, like health and attack power, but other than that, the entire game is read out in text.

Like any game, this one is not without its complaints. For one, despite the very light weight of the game and the fact that Javascript is a website programming language, there's no native browser-based version of the game. The installation requirement is bound to be a big turnoff for many players. For more information click here