Programmer With Humor Creates a Never-ending ReCaptcha Box for Fun

It is not too often that you see a person who actually likes those reCaptcha boxes that require the user to click in order to confirm that they are not a robot. Some of the reCaptcha boxes go a step or to further, requiring that the user select all of the images with a specific attribute, such as those with traffic lights or those with bicycles. Others require the user to enter the word, string or phrase of letters, numbers or a mix of them into a text box. The letters and numbers may be drawn in an unusual way. A few reCaptcha boxes require the user to enter the text of one or two words that may be blurred, faded or of an unusual font.

A programmer with a bit of humor has taken the reCaptcha box and stepped it up. In their spare time, they created a reCaptcha that just keeps on giving. The user has to click the correct reCaptcha box, and the reward is a new grid with more reCaptcha boxes that require the correct one to be clicked. This goes on endlessly.

Other programmers took a look at this and had a wide range of reactions. One of them wanted to know if there was an actual correct reCaptcha to be clicked on. The original programmer said that there was no correct one, so the loop would continue without end. The programmer thought it was funny that there was no correct reCaptcha. One person suggested making one correct, with a slight visible difference so that people could keep trying to find it.

One person noted that they prefer the audio reCaptchas. A few people remembered similar problems with other software packages that had similarly frustrating loops and layouts. One of those was My Math Lab, which some programmers remembered from their college days. A few people pointed out other experimental sites of a similar vein. These are designed by programmers who are just out for a little bit of fun. They are not intended to be serious or to be actual things for website use. For more information click here