Opinions On Happy Hues, A Color Palette Building Site

A website designer shared a link to a website called Happy Hues. It is a color palette building site that allows a person to test different combinations. The site also allows the user to choose a different one of the colors as the primary color for the combination. Once a person settles on a primary and secondary colors in a combination that is pleasing to them, they can then go about using it in their website design. The original poster wanted to know if others would use this as a resource. They wanted to know what others thought about its functionality and utility.

One person replied that they might use it as a resource in the future. They had a criticism of the site to add to their comments. They did not think the site needed an animated effect and wondered why animations were all over the place when they do not add much to the function of the site other than to distract and slow down how long it takes to load.

Another person had a few comments to add. They thought all the animations were overkill. Someone else agreed, joking that it was for flair.

Most people liked it and did not have any comments about the animations. One of the people who liked it said that the user interface was clean. They liked the warm, friendly palette. A different person added that to improve it, the site's owner could dump out the colors and add the CSS variables in order to to save the user a step. Another person added a comment about liking the WebFlow use.

Several others just had simple comments about liking it. One person did have a question for the original poster. They wanted to know if it would be possible to copy an entire color palette. They also wanted to know if any new color palettes would be available in the future. For more information click here https://www.happyhues.co/palettes/1.