Learn More About Ways To Steer Clear Of Unethical Websites.

You may be familiar with something known as dark patterns in web development. Dark patterns are a trick used by unethical developers to trick website visitors into completing actions. One website is taking proactive measures to expose the websites that use dark patterns. Darkpatterns.org publishes a list of websites which use this unethical practice.Dark Patterns and How They Affect Web Traffic

There is a tendency for website visitors to skim the content on web pages. Most people don't read every word. They scan for information that is useful to them. A dark pattern is used to cleverly disguise the true purpose of a website.

An alarming number of websites use this tactic to entice visitors into completing actions that they would not normally take. Darkpatterns.org maintains a database of websites that have used this type of unethical marketing. Visitors can check out the Dark Patterns Hall of Shame to identify websites that are best avoided.Dark Pattern Varieties

Dark patterns are not related to the color scheme of a website. They reflect specific techniques of web development that aim to trick visitors. There are multiple techniques that qualify as a dark pattern.

The bait and switch is one of the most frequently used dark patterns. This type of trickery involves getting a visitor to take an action. The result is then something completely different than what the visitor intended.

Confirm shaming is another frequently used dark pattern. This scam involves creating guilt in an effort to get a website visitor to opt in to a mailing list.

Other types of dark patterns include disguised ads and friend spam. Any of these techniques is potentially harmful to the website visitor.Avoid Using Dark Patterns in Web Development

In your own web development efforts you should make an effort to steer clear of dark patterns. The use of these techniques could land you in the Darkpatterns.org Hall of Shame. Stick to ethical practices when it comes to web development and you will create a strong reputation that encourages trust among web visitors. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/web_design/comments/an0en7/just_found_out_about_darkpatternsorg_a_site/.