If Your Website Loads Slowly You May Be Losing Traffic

If you have ever been frustrated when you visited a website due to the slow speed with which the images load, you are not alone. This is one of the primary reasons why a person will click off a site within the first few seconds of arriving. If you own a website that is plagued by this problem, you will want to fix it as soon as possible. To get you to where you want to be, you will want to consider faster image loading with embedded image previews.

The lazy loading of images is a primary problem when using JPEG files. This results in a low quality image that is rather off putting to the end user. You do not want a blurry image to appear online. What you want is a high quality image that loads quickly and efficiently. That is what this technique will allow you to do. It will enable to load a preview of your image rather quickly, while the JPEG files are completing their own lazy loading process. All of this can occur without having to use any additional data, so the process speeds up quite significantly.

If you have a website that uses multiple JPEG files, then you have likely noticed that they tend to load one right after the other. It would be better if you could get them all to appear at the same time. After all, your visitors are waiting. The reason this happens is that most Internet browsers today will only permit six connections to be running simultaneously on any given domain. This is why you cannot depend on progressive JPEGs to get you the fastest possible image loading. You need to be using embedded image previews.

The latest idea to fix this issue is to only load in a few bytes of a progressive JPEG directly from the server. This will be enough to get the image preview content from each file. At a later point, such as after all of the image previews have been displayed, the remaining part of the image can be loaded in the background and the person viewing the page will never know the difference. For more information click here https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/08/faster-image-loading-embedded-previews/.