How to Get Free or Cheap Vector Images for Websites

There are two kinds of images you can use on your website; raster and vector images. Raster images use pixels so if you blow up a small raster image, it becomes pixilated and looks terrible. If you plan to grow your business, use vector images on your website. You can blow up your logo to print it on a T-shirt or reduce it to use as a favicon later on.

Vector images use points on an algebraic grid, not pixels to display. Using vector graphics on your website has a definite advantage because vector images are scalable. You can use the images in any size without a loss in quality. There are also plenty of free stock vector images online which you can edit and make your own. Vector images are either .svg, .ai, .eps, or .pdf files while raster images can be .jpg, .png, or .gif file.

You can get free vector images from Vectorain, VectorStock, Vecteezy and other places online. Be sure to check the license to make sure you can use the vectors for your commercial website.

Adobe Illustrator is a popular editing tool for vector graphics. It offers you more options than Adobe Photoshop, which only outputs raster graphics. While Adobe Illustrator is the industry standard for editing vector graphics, you have other, more affordable options. There's the Vecteezy Editor, which is free. The editor has 25,000 design elements and 800 pre-loaded fonts to you to use in customizing your vector image. Gravit is also a free vector image editor which is easy to learn and ideal for people just starting out editing vectors. Gravit Designer 3.1. has more features since it doesn't work in the browser. You can also find workers on Fivver who will edit your vector images for as little as $5 if graphic design isn't your thing. For more information click here