How Dark Mode is Viewed in Today's Web Development Community

In the web development community, dark mode on the web is a controversial subject. A person shared an article about it and wanted to know what other developers thought about the ongoing argument and struggle to set this up on different websites. The wide range of opinions means that few people are in agreement about dark mode, how it should be used and whether or not it should be available on all sites.

One person took a look at this link and stated that their site has a dark mode option. They use Linux, and they had success when testing it. This web developer explained that they planned to set up dark mode on their personal site, too. Another person wrote back and stated that they felt like it was too much work to try to set up dark mode for their site.

Another person argued that the dark web mode is bad for the eyes. They said it is worse than just dimming the screen. Several research studies of small groups support this argument, but scientists do relent that more research is needed. As people spend increasing amounts of time on their mobile devices, medical professionals need to study whether or not different lighting modes cause an increase in eye fatigue, strain or other problems. Scientists are also concerned about increases in headaches and other problems that could be related to spending a lot of time looking at small screens in various lighting conditions.

A few other people looked at the links and had some thoughts about dark mode on the web. One person explained that they wanted to know why dark mode is worse for the eyes. They did not disagree with the person who said it, but they were looking for a physiological reason why looking at a darker screen is worse for vision.

It could be that different types of vision disorders are affected in different ways or to a different extent. For example, a person who is nearsighted might not be as affected by dark mode. A person with astigmatism may have a different result. For more information click here