How Ad Blocker Software Hurts the Online Community

Any business needs to be constantly spending money to keep itself afloat while pursuing its objective to make back enough profit to avoid bankruptcy; as a natural extension of this, any website a company runs in order to facilitate its business costs money to maintain. While very large and widely known companies can afford to keep ads off their official websites, smaller companies are routinely faced with the consideration of running banner ads on their websites so that the revenue they bring in will help cover the upkeep of those sites.

Of course, the proliferation of online advertising in digital spaces in this manner has resulted in the widespread adoption of ad-blocking software by a fair fraction of those who regularly use the Internet. Because a web page will always take longer to load if it loads a new banner ad whenever it is brought up in a new window tab, many users install ad-blocking extensions for their browsers to make websites more responsive to navigate. Even if a person uses an ad blocker for the sake of nothing deeper than their own convenience, however, they are nonetheless denying the website the revenue it logically should have been getting with every page that user loads.

Websites often find that a large portion of the ad revenue they should be getting is prevented because an equally large proportion of the sites' consumers is running ad blockers. Some sites make the mistake of feeding into a vicious cycle in which they try to compensate for the lost revenue by stuffing each page with even more ad space; this naturally makes potential customers all the more likely to resort to having ad blockers to begin with.

Other websites pursue the more prudent course of detecting whether their clients are using ad blockers and displaying pop-up messages politely asking them to consider supporting the sites by "whitelisting" those sites in the blockers' settings. While this is a fairly infamous trend in Internet culture in its own right, this method is more likely to minimize the percentage of its audience that uses ad blockers. For more information click here