Here Is What Can Make a Website Truly Terrible

Everyone has landed on a bad website; recipe sites are one of the worst offenders. Poor designs that are not user-friendly still exist. You have to wonder who designed them. Hopefully, the publisher made the site themselves and didn't pay someone for it.


Publisher have a popup appear before you've read any of the text. How would anyone want to subscribe to a site before they have a chance to look it over? It smacks of desperation. If visitors really like a site, they will look for a subscribe button.

Too Many Ads

Most people understand that publishers need to make money. A few ads are fine, but there is a fine line between a few and too many. If they distract the visitor, you have too many ads. Also, some websites still have auto-play video ads which annoy almost everyone.


It's easy for people to a website builder and have a website online in one day. Considering what designers charge for a custom website, it is no wonder many small businesses on a tight budget choose a template from their website builder of choice and make their own site. However, there are serious drawbacks to choosing a template website, such as it will look like hundreds of other websites in the same industry. Templates usually have layout restrictions and design limitations, making it difficult for a business to stand out from the competition.

Horrible Font Choices

The color and size of the font are important if a publisher wants visitors to read the content. There's no excuse for a 10 pt while font on a black background unless the business' target audience consists only of people with excellent eyesight.

Just Plain Ugly

Websites with outrageous color combinations, low res images and flashing GIFs still exist too. It's hard to imagine why any business would allow a visitor to get such a bad impression of their company from their website. For more information click here