Generate Elaborate Visual Effects With Cascading Style Sheet Files

Cascading Style Sheet files usually play host to a collection of syntactic definitions that exist to instruct web browsers to apply style-related alterations to HTML-based web pages. On a basic level, multiple HTML files can call functions defined in the same CSS file to normalize their background designs, text formatting, and table design styles without having to include code redundantly defining these elements within every HTML file. This usually does not feature any animated motions, which are usually seen as provided by the JavaScript syntax language.

In a recent trend in visual web design, CSS files are capable of generating elaborate visual effects that resemble what is possible for JavaScript syntax to produce. Much like with JavaScript-based animations, CSS-driven animations are executed directly by web browser programs; browsers can natively render vector-based graphics by parsing and executing individual lines of code.

In a demonstration hosted on, CSS syntax is almost entirely responsible for an elaborate effect resembling an array of differently colored cubes that are arranged in a square. The arrangement rotates as though a camera were viewing it from an isometric perspective and circling around it, but the CSS code appears to be producing visuals simulating this effect without employing any 3D-modeling software that involves defining a camera.

The sixteen cubes bear their own colors and feature grid-like patterns resembling chessboards. As the effect rotates, each individual cube slowly starts falling very shortly after the cube in front of it begins to fall, and whenever a cube reaches the bottom of where it is allowed to fall toward, it promptly elevates itself back to the top. Since the cubes undergo this perpetual motion as part of a consistent chain, what results is an effect that resembles a rotating set of stairs that is always climbing upward.

Close observation reveals that whenever a cube making up one of the four corners of the arrangement is elevating, the "camera" will have rotated to a point where the arrangement is seen at a right angle and the cube in question is at either the lower left or the upper right. For more information click here